• 0306-2020

    Factors of packaging product marketing development

    Marketing is a sales science based on the consumer's psychology. In the fierce market competition, due to technological advancement and the gradual regulation of the market, it is not easy for consumers to distinguish between high and low only in terms of product quality. In this case , What to use to persuade consumers? You must find the personality of your product, that is, the difference from others, or create this difference. To put it bluntly is to find the selling point of the product.

  • 2905-2020

    Fields where green paper cans can be used

    With the rising awareness of social environmental protection, more and more consumers advocate green packaging, and the global economy and industrial system are also emerging the concept of "green packaging" led by the packaging revolution. Green products and green packaging will become hot spots. But it is unclear whether your products can be packed in paper cans. The following editors will introduce the areas where environmentally friendly paper cans can be used.

  • 1604-2020

    The development of commodity circulation-the formation of packaging industrialization

    With the advancement of human science and technology, especially after the European Industrial Revolution, commercial circulation methods have been greatly developed. The emergence of ocean transportation and rail transportation, so that the subsequent development of roads and air transportation has expanded the scope of commodity circulation to Worldwide, under such circumstances, packaging must be industrialized to meet the needs of commodity circulation and the gradual change in sales methods.

  • 3103-2020

    Material elements in packaging design

    The material element is the texture and texture of the surface of the material used in the packaging of the product. It often affects the visual effect of the packaging of the product. The best effect of the product can be achieved by using different surface changes or surface shapes of the material. Packaging materials, whether paper or plastic Materials, glass materials, metal materials, ceramic materials, bamboo and wood materials, and other composite materials all have different texture mechanism effects. Using different materials and properly combining and configuring them can provide consumers with novelty, coldness, or luxury. It feels that the material element is an important link in packaging design, and it directly affects the overall functions and economic costs of packaging, production and processing methods, and the recycling and disposal of packaging waste.

  • 2003-2020

    Logo Design of Packaging Design Composition Elements

    Composition is a complete picture that arranges the packaging, graphics, text and combination of the product packaging display surface. The combination of these four aspects constitutes the overall effect of packaging and decoration, the use of trademarks, graphics, colors and text in the composition elements of product design Right, proper, and beautiful can be called excellent works.

  • 0503-2020

    Packaging elements-form factor

    The shape factor is the shape of the display surface of the product packaging, including the size, size and shape of the display surface. There are three common forms in our daily life, natural forms, artificial forms, and occasional forms. It is necessary to find a form suitable for any nature, that is, to call something with a common regularity an abstract form.

  • 0403-2020

    What is the role of product packaging design?

    The role of product packaging design is to protect the product, beautify the product, and promote the product. It is also a technical and artistic means to increase the commercial value of the product. Packaging is a dependency of the product and an important means to realize the value of the product.

  • 1902-2020

    Packaging design:Feel luxurious

    If there is a product that makes people spend a lot of money for it, it must be spirits. There are too many brands of spirits on the shelves. How can you make your own spirits stand out?

  • 1002-2020

    The purpose of "packaging"

    ​Why do you pick this particular brand? Is it because of an impulse, or because of real needs? Maybe this thing is interesting, so you bought it. Like buying a shampoo, of course you may need a bottle of shampoo, but do you really need a brand that looks beautiful and expensive shampoo? That may not be so! But you did buy this bottle of shampoo because it made you feel fashionable, even if this brand of shampoo was thrown into a discount basket.

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